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to produce milk

  • 1 milk

    A n
    1 Culin lait m ; baby milk lait m pour bébé ; condensed milk lait concentré sucré ; powdered/evaporated milk lait en poudre/concentré ; full cream milk lait entier ; long-life milk lait longue conservation ; skimmed/semi-skimmed milk lait écrémé/demi-écrémé ; soya milk lait de soja ; UHT milk lait UHT ;
    2 Physiol, Vet lait m ; breast milk lait maternel ; to be in milk Vet donner du lait ; to produce milk avoir du lait ; to express milk Med tirer le lait ; when the milk comes in Med quand la montée du lait se fait ;
    3 Cosmet, Pharm lait m ; cleansing milk lait démaquillant ;
    4 Bot lait m.
    B vtr
    1 Agric, Vet traire ;
    2 fig ( exploit) ( for money) pomper [company, state] (for de) ; to milk sb dry saigner qn à blanc ; he milked the audience for applause il a extorqué des applaudissements aux spectateurs ;
    3 extraire [sap, juice].
    C vi [cow, goat etc] donner du lait ; [dairyman, farmer] faire la traite ; this cow milks well cette vache donne beaucoup de lait.
    to come home with the milk rentrer au petit matin ; it's no good crying over spilt milk Prov il ne sert à rien de pleurer sur le lait répandu ; ⇒ kindness.

    Big English-French dictionary > milk

  • 2 produce

    I ['prɒdjuːs] [AE -duːs]
    nome U prodotti m.pl.

    "produce of Spain" — "prodotto spagnolo"

    II [prə'djuːs] [AE -'duːs]
    1) (cause) produrre [ effect]; dare [ result]; provocare [reaction, change]
    2) agr. ind. [region, farmer, company] produrre ( from a partire da); [worker, machine] fabbricare, produrre
    3) (biologically) [gland, animal, plant] produrre
    4) (generate) produrre [heat, sound, energy, profits, returns]
    5) (form, create) [school, era] produrre [scientist, artist]
    6) (present) presentare, esibire [ passport]; fare [ report]; fornire [evidence, argument]; dare [ example]

    to produce sth. from — estrarre qcs. da [pocket, bag]

    7) cinem. mus. rad. telev. produrre [film, show]; BE teatr. mettere in scena [ play]
    8) (put together) preparare [meal, package]; mettere a punto [argument, timetable, solution]; pubblicare [brochure, guide]
    * * *
    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) (tirare fuori)
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) partorire
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) produrre, provocare
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) produrre
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) produrre
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) produrre, realizzare
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) prodotto
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity
    * * *
    produce /ˈprɒdju:s/, ( USA) /ˈproʊdu:s/
    n. [u]
    1 prodotto, produzione (spec. della terra o d'una miniera); prodotti agricoli; derrate: agricultural produce, prodotti agricoli; home produce, prodotto nazionale
    2 frutto, risultato ( del lavoro, d'uno sforzo)
    produce broker, operatore di borsa merci □ (fin.) produce exchange, borsa merci □ produce importer, importatore di prodotti agricoli.
    ♦ (to) produce /prəˈdju:s/, ( USA) /prɒˈdu:s/
    A v. t.
    1 produrre; dare ( un frutto, un prodotto); ( di un investimento finanziario) fruttare; causare, cagionare; fabbricare; mettere in scena, rappresentare: (econ.) to produce for export, produrre per l'esportazione; to produce cotton goods, fabbricare tessuti di cotone; to produce milk, produrre (o dare) latte; to produce a play [a film], mettere in scena un dramma [produrre un film]
    2 produrre (bur.); esibire; mostrare; presentare; tirare fuori (fam.): to produce one's driving licence, esibire la patente di guida; (leg.) to produce evidence, produrre (o presentare, repertare) prove; The ref produced a red card, l'arbitro ha tirato fuori il cartellino rosso
    3 (geom.) prolungare ( una linea)
    5 estrarre; tirare fuori: to produce a gun, estrarre una pistola; to produce a silver coin, tirar fuori una moneta d'argento
    6 ( sport) tirare fuori; effettuare, eseguire, fare
    7 ( sport) dimostrare di possedere; sfoggiare; esprimere: to produce good play, esprimere un bel gioco
    B v. i.
    rendere; essere produttivo; produrre
    ● (leg.) to produce an alibi, produrre un alibi.
    * * *
    I ['prɒdjuːs] [AE -duːs]
    nome U prodotti m.pl.

    "produce of Spain" — "prodotto spagnolo"

    II [prə'djuːs] [AE -'duːs]
    1) (cause) produrre [ effect]; dare [ result]; provocare [reaction, change]
    2) agr. ind. [region, farmer, company] produrre ( from a partire da); [worker, machine] fabbricare, produrre
    3) (biologically) [gland, animal, plant] produrre
    4) (generate) produrre [heat, sound, energy, profits, returns]
    5) (form, create) [school, era] produrre [scientist, artist]
    6) (present) presentare, esibire [ passport]; fare [ report]; fornire [evidence, argument]; dare [ example]

    to produce sth. from — estrarre qcs. da [pocket, bag]

    7) cinem. mus. rad. telev. produrre [film, show]; BE teatr. mettere in scena [ play]
    8) (put together) preparare [meal, package]; mettere a punto [argument, timetable, solution]; pubblicare [brochure, guide]

    English-Italian dictionary > produce

  • 3 produce

    1. prə'dju:s verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) sacar, extraer
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) tener, dar a luz
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) provocar, producir
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) producir, fabricar
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) producir
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) poner en escena (teatro); producir

    2. 'prodju:s noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) productos (agrícolas)
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity

    produce1 n productos
    produce2 vb
    1. producir / fabricar
    2. producir / dar
    3. producir / poner en escena
    4. sacar / enseñar
    tr[ (vb) prə'djʊːs; (n) 'prɒdjʊːs]
    1 (gen) producir; (manufacture) producir, fabricar
    3 (show) enseñar, presentar; (bring out) sacar
    4 (cause) producir, causar
    5 (film) producir; (play) poner en escena, dirigir; (tv programme) realizar
    produce [prə'du:s, -'dju:s] vt, - duced ; - ducing
    1) exhibit: presentar, mostrar
    2) yield: producir
    3) cause: producir, causar
    4) create: producir
    to produce a poem: escribir un poema
    5) : poner en escena (una obra de teatro), producir (una película)
    produce ['prɑ.du:s, 'pro:-, -.dju:s] n
    : productos mpl agrícolas
    producción s.f.
    producto s.m.
    fabricar v.
    hacer v.
    (§pres: hago, haces...) pret: hic-
    pp: hecho
    fut/c: har-•)
    ocasionar v.
    presentar v.
    procurar v.
    producir v.
    (§pres: produzco, produces...) pret: produj-•)
    rendir v.
    rentar v.
    sacar v.
    surtir v.

    I prə'duːs, prə'djuːs
    a) (manufacture, yield) \<\<cars/cloth\>\> producir*, fabricar*; \<\<coal/grain/beef\>\> producir*; \<\<fruit\>\> \<\<country/region\>\> producir*; \<\<tree/bush\>\> dar*, producir*
    b) (create, give) \<\<energy/sound\>\> producir*; \<\<interest\>\> producir*, dar*, devengar*

    a university which has produced many great scientistsuna universidad que ha dado or de donde han salido muchos grandes científicos

    c) ( cause) \<\<joy/reaction\>\> producir*, causar; \<\<effect\>\> surtir, producir*
    d) ( give birth to) \<\<young\>\> tener*
    2) (show, bring out) \<\<ticket/document\>\> presentar; \<\<evidence/proof\>\> presentar, aportar; \<\<gun/knife\>\> sacar*
    a) (Cin, TV) producir*, realizar*; ( Theat) \<\<play\>\> poner* en escena; \<\<show\>\> montar, poner* en escena
    b) (Rad, Theat) ( direct) dirigir*

    II 'prɑːduːs, 'prɒdjuːs
    mass noun productos mpl (alimenticios)
    1. [prǝ'djuːs]
    1) (=yield) [+ coal, crop, electricity, sound] producir; [+ milk] [farm] producir; [cow] dar; [+ interest] rendir, producir; [+ profit, benefits] producir, reportar

    oil-producing countriespaíses mpl productores de petróleo

    2) (=manufacture) [+ cars, weapons, drugs] fabricar, producir
    3) (=create) [+ novel] escribir; [+ magazine] publicar; [+ musical work] componer
    4) (=give birth to) [+ offspring] [animal] parir; [woman] tener, dar a luz a; [parents] tener
    5) (=bring out, supply) [+ gift, handkerchief, gun] sacar; [+ ticket, documents, evidence, proof] presentar; [+ argument] dar, presentar; [+ witness] nombrar; [+ meal] preparar
    6) (Cine, Theat) [+ film, play, show] producir; (TV, Rad) realizar; (Publishing) [+ magazine] publicar; (Mus) [+ record] producir
    7) (=cause) [+ symptoms] producir, causar; [+ response] provocar, producir

    it produced a sensation of drowsinessproducía or causaba una sensación de somnolencia

    by combining the two kinds of paint you can produce some interesting effects — combinando las dos clases de pintura puedes conseguir efectos interesantes

    you may find that just threatening this course of action will produce the desired effect — puedes encontrarte con que amenazar este procedimiento producirá el efecto deseado

    8) (Geom) [+ line, plane] prolongar
    2. [prǝ'djuːs]
    1) [mine, oil well, factory] producir; [land, tree] dar fruto(s); [cow] dar leche; [person] rendir
    2) (Theat, Cine) producir; (TV, Rad) realizar
    N (Agr) productos mpl agrícolas, productos mpl del campo

    produce of Turkeyproducto m de Turquía

    produce of more than one countryproducto m elaborado en varios países

    dairy 2., farm 4.

    produce counter N(US) mostrador m de verdura

    produce store N(US) verdulería f

    * * *

    I [prə'duːs, prə'djuːs]
    a) (manufacture, yield) \<\<cars/cloth\>\> producir*, fabricar*; \<\<coal/grain/beef\>\> producir*; \<\<fruit\>\> \<\<country/region\>\> producir*; \<\<tree/bush\>\> dar*, producir*
    b) (create, give) \<\<energy/sound\>\> producir*; \<\<interest\>\> producir*, dar*, devengar*

    a university which has produced many great scientistsuna universidad que ha dado or de donde han salido muchos grandes científicos

    c) ( cause) \<\<joy/reaction\>\> producir*, causar; \<\<effect\>\> surtir, producir*
    d) ( give birth to) \<\<young\>\> tener*
    2) (show, bring out) \<\<ticket/document\>\> presentar; \<\<evidence/proof\>\> presentar, aportar; \<\<gun/knife\>\> sacar*
    a) (Cin, TV) producir*, realizar*; ( Theat) \<\<play\>\> poner* en escena; \<\<show\>\> montar, poner* en escena
    b) (Rad, Theat) ( direct) dirigir*

    II ['prɑːduːs, 'prɒdjuːs]
    mass noun productos mpl (alimenticios)

    English-spanish dictionary > produce

  • 4 produce

    1. noun
    Produkte Pl.; Erzeugnisse Pl.

    ‘produce of Spain’ — "spanisches Erzeugnis"

    2. transitive verb
    1) (bring forward) erbringen [Beweis]; vorlegen [Beweismaterial]; beibringen [Zeugen]; geben [Erklärung]; vorzeigen [Pass, Fahrkarte, Papiere]; herausholen [Brieftasche, Portemonnaie, Pistole]

    he produced a few coins from his pocketer holte einige Münzen aus seiner Tasche

    2) produzieren [Show, Film]; inszenieren [Theaterstück, Hörspiel, Fernsehspiel]; herausgeben [Schallplatte, Buch]

    well-producedgut gemacht [Film, Theaterstück, Programm]

    3) (manufacture) herstellen; zubereiten [Mahlzeit]; (in nature; Agric.) produzieren
    4) (create) schreiben [Roman, Gedichte, Artikel, Aufsatz, Symphonie]; schaffen [Gemälde, Skulptur, Meisterwerk]; aufstellen [Theorie]
    5) (cause) hervorrufen; bewirken [Änderung]
    6) (bring into being) erzeugen; führen zu [Situation, Lage, Zustände]
    7) (yield) erzeugen [Ware, Produkt]; geben [Milch]; tragen [Wolle]; legen [Eier]; liefern [Ernte]; fördern [Metall, Kohle]; abwerfen [Ertrag, Gewinn]; hervorbringen [Dichter, Denker, Künstler]; führen zu [Resultat]
    8) (bear) gebären; [Säugetier:] werfen; [Vogel, Reptil:] legen [Eier]; [Fisch, Insekt:] ablegen [Eier]; [Baum, Blume:] tragen [Früchte, Blüten]; entwickeln [Triebe]; bilden [Keime]
    * * *
    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) hervorholen
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) erzeugen
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) bewirken
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) produzieren
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) produzieren
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) produzieren, inszenieren
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) das Produkt
    - academic.ru/58165/producer">producer
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity
    * * *
    I. vt
    [prəˈdju:s, AM -ˈdu:s]
    to \produce sth etw herstellen [o produzieren]
    to \produce antibodies/red blood cells Antikörper/rote Blutkörperchen produzieren
    to \produce coal/oil Kohle/Erdöl fördern
    to \produce electricity Strom erzeugen
    to \produce ideas/thoughts Ideen/Gedanken entwickeln
    to \produce an illusion eine falsche Vorstellung erwecken
    to \produce a meal eine Mahlzeit zubereiten
    to \produce noise Lärm verursachen
    to \produce a novel/report einen Roman/Bericht schreiben [o verfassen]
    to \produce an odour einen Geruch absondern
    to \produce a painting/a sculpture ein Gemälde/eine Skulptur schaffen
    to \produce a shadow einen Schatten werfen
    to \produce a state of hypnosis einen Hypnosezustand herbeiführen
    to \produce static/sparks atmosphärische Störungen/Funken verursachen [o hervorrufen]
    to \produce wheat Weizen produzieren
    to \produce sth etw bewirken [o hervorrufen]
    to \produce a change eine Änderung bewirken
    to \produce an echo ein Echo hervorrufen
    to \produce an effect eine Wirkung erzielen
    to \produce hysteria/uncertainty Hysterie/Unsicherheit hervorrufen
    to \produce profits/revenue Gewinne/Erträge erzielen [o einbringen]
    to \produce results zu Ergebnissen führen
    to \produce a shift in public opinion die öffentliche Meinung ändern
    to \produce sb/sth jdn/etw zur Welt bringen
    to \produce kittens/puppies/young [Katzen]junge/Welpen/Junge bekommen
    to \produce offspring Nachwuchs bekommen, für Nachwuchs sorgen hum
    4. FILM, MUS
    to \produce sth film, programme etw produzieren; THEAT play, opera etw inszenieren
    to \produce top artists Spitzenkünstler/Spitzenkünstlerinnen produzieren
    to \produce a CD/record eine CD/Schallplatte produzieren
    5. (show)
    to \produce sth etw hervorholen
    to \produce a gun/a knife/a weapon eine Pistole/ein Messer/eine Waffe ziehen
    to \produce identification/one's passport seinen Ausweis/Pass zeigen
    to \produce a present ein Geschenk hervorzaubern
    to \produce a receipt eine Quittung vorlegen
    6. LAW
    to \produce an alibi/a witness ein Alibi/einen Zeugen/eine Zeugin beibringen
    to \produce evidence/proof den Beweis/Nachweis erbringen
    II. vi
    [prəˈdju:s, AM -ˈdu:s]
    1. (bring results) Ergebnisse erzielen; ECON einen Gewinn erwirtschaften
    2. (give output) produzieren; mine fördern
    3. (be fertile) humans Nachwuchs bekommen; plant Früchte tragen; land ertragreich sein
    4. FILM einen Film produzieren; THEAT ein Stück inszenieren
    III. n
    [ˈprɒdju:s, AM ˈprɑ:du:s, ˈproʊ-]
    1. AGR Erzeugnisse pl, Produkte pl
    dairy \produce Milchprodukte pl, Molkereiprodukte pl
    French \produce [or \produce of France] französische Erzeugnisse
    2. AM (fruit and vegetables) Obst nt und Gemüse nt
    IV. n
    [ˈprɒdju:s, AM ˈprɑ:du:s, ˈproʊ-]
    modifier AM (market, order, purveyor) Obst- und Gemüse-
    \produce section Obst- und Gemüseabteilung f
    * * *
    1. n no pl (AGR)
    Produkt(e pl), Erzeugnis(se) nt(pl)

    Italian produce, produce of Italy — italienisches Erzeugnis

    2. vt
    1) (= yield) produzieren; (IND) produzieren, herstellen; electricity, energy, heat erzeugen; crop abwerfen; coal fördern, produzieren; (= create) book, article, essay schreiben; painting, sculpture anfertigen; ideas, novel etc, masterpiece hervorbringen; interest, return on capital bringen, abwerfen; meal machen, herstellen

    the sort of environment that produces criminal types —

    to be well produced — gut gemacht sein; (goods also) gut gearbeitet sein

    2) (= bring forward, show) gift, wallet etc hervorholen (from, out of aus); pistol ziehen (from, out of aus); proof, evidence liefern, beibringen; results liefern; effect erzielen; witness beibringen; ticket, documents vorzeigen

    she managed to produce something special for dinner — es gelang ihr, zum Abendessen etwas Besonderes auf den Tisch zu bringen

    I can't produce it out of thin airich kann es doch nicht aus dem Nichts hervorzaubern or aus dem Ärmel schütteln (inf)

    if we don't produce results soon —

    3) play inszenieren; film produzieren
    4) (= cause) famine, bitterness, impression, interest etc hervorrufen; spark erzeugen
    5) (MATH) line verlängern
    3. vi
    1) (THEAT) das/ein Stück inszenieren; (FILM) den/einen Film produzieren
    2) (factory, mine) produzieren; (land) Ertrag bringen; (tree) tragen

    this cow hasn't produced for years (produced calf) (produced milk) when is she going to produce? (hum)diese Kuh hat jahrelang nicht mehr gekalbt diese Kuh hat jahrelang keine Milch mehr gegeben wann ist es denn so weit?

    it's about time that you produced (hum)es wird bald Zeit, dass ihr mal an Nachwuchs denkt

    * * *
    produce [prəˈdjuːs; US auch -ˈduːs]
    A v/t
    1. a) Künstler etc hervorbringen, Werke etc schaffen
    b) hervorrufen, bewirken, eine Wirkung erzielen:
    produce a smile ein Lächeln hervorrufen
    2. Waren etc produzieren, erzeugen, herstellen, fertigen, ein Buch herausbringen oder verfassen, Erz, Kohle etc gewinnen, fördern
    3. a) BOT Früchte etc hervorbringen
    b) ZOOL Junge werfen
    c) hum ein Kind etc bekommen
    4. WIRTSCH einen Gewinn etc (ein)bringen, (-)tragen, abwerfen, erzielen:
    capital produces interest Kapital trägt oder bringt Zinsen
    5. heraus-, hervorziehen, -holen ( alle:
    from aus der Tasche etc)
    6. seinen Ausweis etc (vor)zeigen, vorlegen
    7. Zeugen, Beweise etc beibringen
    8. Gründe vorbringen, anführen
    9. einen Film produzieren, herausbringen, ein Theaterstück, Hör- oder Fernsehspiel
    a) aufführen
    b) einstudieren, inszenieren, THEAT, RADIO Br Regie führen bei:
    produce o.s. fig sich produzieren
    10. einen Schauspieler etc herausbringen
    11. MATH eine Linie verlängern
    B v/i
    1. produzieren:
    the factory has not yet begun to produce die Fabrik hat die Produktion noch nicht aufgenommen
    2. a) BOT (Früchte) tragen
    b) ZOOL werfen
    c) hum Nachwuchs bekommen
    3. WIRTSCH Gewinn(e) abwerfen
    C s produce [ˈprɒdjuːs; US ˈprɑduːs]
    1. (Boden-, Landes) Produkte pl, (Natur) Erzeugnis(se) n(pl):
    produce exchange Produktenbörse f;
    produce market Waren-, Produktenmarkt m
    2. Ertrag m, Gewinn m
    3. TECH (Erz)Ausbeute f
    4. TECH Leistung f, Ausstoß m
    prod abk
    * * *
    1. noun
    Produkte Pl.; Erzeugnisse Pl.

    ‘produce of Spain’ — "spanisches Erzeugnis"

    2. transitive verb
    1) (bring forward) erbringen [Beweis]; vorlegen [Beweismaterial]; beibringen [Zeugen]; geben [Erklärung]; vorzeigen [Pass, Fahrkarte, Papiere]; herausholen [Brieftasche, Portemonnaie, Pistole]
    2) produzieren [Show, Film]; inszenieren [Theaterstück, Hörspiel, Fernsehspiel]; herausgeben [Schallplatte, Buch]

    well-producedgut gemacht [Film, Theaterstück, Programm]

    3) (manufacture) herstellen; zubereiten [Mahlzeit]; (in nature; Agric.) produzieren
    4) (create) schreiben [Roman, Gedichte, Artikel, Aufsatz, Symphonie]; schaffen [Gemälde, Skulptur, Meisterwerk]; aufstellen [Theorie]
    5) (cause) hervorrufen; bewirken [Änderung]
    6) (bring into being) erzeugen; führen zu [Situation, Lage, Zustände]
    7) (yield) erzeugen [Ware, Produkt]; geben [Milch]; tragen [Wolle]; legen [Eier]; liefern [Ernte]; fördern [Metall, Kohle]; abwerfen [Ertrag, Gewinn]; hervorbringen [Dichter, Denker, Künstler]; führen zu [Resultat]
    8) (bear) gebären; [Säugetier:] werfen; [Vogel, Reptil:] legen [Eier]; [Fisch, Insekt:] ablegen [Eier]; [Baum, Blume:] tragen [Früchte, Blüten]; entwickeln [Triebe]; bilden [Keime]
    * * *
    Gewachs -¨e n. v.
    erzeugen v.
    herstellen v.
    hervorholen v.
    produzieren v.
    vorweisen v.
    vorzeigen v.

    English-german dictionary > produce

  • 5 produce

    1. prə'dju:s verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) frambringe, framvise
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) føde, frambringe
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) forårsake, avstedkomme
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) lage, produsere
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) avle, produsere
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) iscenesette, oppføre, produsere
    2. 'prodju:s noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) landbruksvarer, ferskvarer
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity
    subst. \/ˈprɒdjuːs\/
    1) produkter, produksjon (av jordbruk e.l.)
    2) avling, avkastning
    3) produksjon(smengde)
    verb \/prəˈdjuːs\/
    1) produsere, fremstille, tilvirke
    2) skape
    3) avle, frembringe
    4) gi, bære, yte
    5) avkaste, kaste av, gi avkastning, produsere
    6) forårsake, avstedkomme, bevirke, vekke, fremkalle
    7) ta frem\/opp, trekke frem\/opp, dra frem\/opp, plukke frem\/opp, få frem\/opp
    8) (frem)skaffe, prestere, finne frem
    9) legge eller vise frem, fremvise, fremlegge, forevise
    10) ( film) produsere, være produsent for, spille inn
    11) ( teater) regissere, iscenesette, sette opp, oppføre
    12) ( geometri) forlenge, trekke (ut)
    produce young ( om dyr) få unger

    English-Norwegian dictionary > produce

  • 6 produce

    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) tage frem
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) føde
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) frembringe
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) producere
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) producere
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) producere
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) produkt; -produkt
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity
    * * *
    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) tage frem
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) føde
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) frembringe
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) producere
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) producere
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) producere
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) produkt; -produkt
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity

    English-Danish dictionary > produce

  • 7 produce

    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) izvleči
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) roditi, povreči
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) povzročiti
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) izdelati
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) pridelati
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) biti producent
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) pridelek
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity
    * * *
    I [prɔdju:s]
    (samo ednina) pridelki (zlasti kmetijski), pridelek, donos; uspeh; technical storitev, učinek ( daily ŋ)
    II [prədjú:s]
    transitive verb
    izdelati, izdelovati, pridelati, pridelovati, pridobivati; figuratively ustvariti, narediti, doseči (učinek itd.); roditi, obroditi (zemlja); izdati (knjigo); pridobivati (rudo, premog); economy prinesti, prinašati (dobiček); izvleči ( from; iz žepa itd.); pripeljati (priče), predložiti (dokaze); uprizoriti, pokazati (igro, film); predstaviti (igralca); pokazati (vstopnico), predložiti; mathematics podaljšati črto;
    intransitive verb
    izdelovati; prinašati; roditi (sad)
    economy dajati dobiček; figuratively to produce o.s. — producirati se, razkazovati se

    English-Slovenian dictionary > produce

  • 8 produce

    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) puxar de
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) dar à luz
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) provocar
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) fabricar
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) produzir
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) produzir
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) produto
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity
    * * *
    [pr'ɔdju:s] n 1 produto. 2 fruto. 3 artigo, manufatura. 4 proveito, resultado, lucro. 5 conseqüência, efeito. 6 cria, produção. • [prədj'u:s] vt 1 produzir: a) apresentar, exibir. the ticket must be produced on demand / o bilhete deve ser exibido quando for exigido. b) gerar, originar. c) dar, fornecer. d) render, dar lucro. e) fabricar, manufaturar. f) fazer, realizar. a photograph produced by my sister / uma fotografia feita por minha irmã. g) causar, acarretar, motivar. h) criar, idear. 2 Geom estender, prolongar. 3 introduzir, apresentar (peça teatral ou ator). net produce lucro líquido. produce of the country produtos agrícolas. vice produces misery o vício gera a miséria.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > produce

  • 9 produce

    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) a scoate (din)
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) a da naştere la
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) a provoca
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) a produce
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) a produce
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) a regiza; a pro­duce; a realiza
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) produse (ali­men­tare/agricole)
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity

    English-Romanian dictionary > produce

  • 10 produce

    termés, termény, terméshozam, termék to produce: előállít, hoz (kamatot), alkot, színre hoz, gyárt
    * * *
    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) elővesz
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) szül (ivadékot)
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) okoz, előidéz
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) előállít
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) terem (gyümölcsöt)
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) színre hoz (színdarabot), kihoz (filmet)
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) termény
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity

    English-Hungarian dictionary > produce

  • 11 produce

    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) leggja fram, sÿna
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) geta af sér
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) leiða af sér
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) framleiða
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) framleiða
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) setja upp
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) framleiðsla
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity

    English-Icelandic dictionary > produce

  • 12 produce

    n. ürün, mahsul, sonuç
    v. üretmek, yapmak, göstermek, ortaya koymak, yayınlamak, vermek (meyve), yetiştirmek, neden olmak, sahnelemek, yönetmek [tiy.]
    * * *
    1. üret 2. üret (v.) 3. ürün (n.)
    * * *
    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) çıkarmak
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) doğurmak
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) neden olmak
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) üretmek
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) üretmek
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) yapmak
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) ürün, mahsul
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity

    English-Turkish dictionary > produce

  • 13 produce

    • ohjata
    • saada aikaan
    • tulos
    • tulot
    • nostaa
    • näyttää
    • nostattaa
    • tuottaa
    • tuotteet
    • tuottaa (valmistaa)
    • tuottaa(tehdä)
    • tuoda esiin
    • tuote
    • esittää
    • esiin
    • aikaansaada
    • aiheuttaa
    • valmistaa
    • tehdä
    • kantaa
    • kehittää
    • kasvaa
    • kaivaa esille
    • muodostaa
    • sato
    • maataloustuotto
    • synnyttää
    • laatia
    • lavastaa
    • luoda
    * * *
    1. prə'dju:s verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) ottaa esiin
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) synnyttää
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) aiheuttaa
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) valmistaa
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) tuottaa
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) tuottaa
    2. 'prodju:s noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) tuote
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity

    English-Finnish dictionary > produce

  • 14 produce

    1. ['prɔdjuːs] n
    płody pl rolne
    2. [prə'djuːs] vt
    effect etc przynosić (przynieść perf); goods produkować (wyprodukować perf); ( BIO, CHEM) wytwarzać (wytworzyć perf); ( fig) evidence etc przedstawiać (przedstawić perf); play wystawiać (wystawić perf); film, programme być producentem +gen; ( bring or take out) wyjmować (wyjąć perf)
    * * *
    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) wyjąć
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) dawać
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) wywołać
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) produkować
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) produkować
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) wystawić
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) płody rolne
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity

    English-Polish dictionary > produce

  • 15 produce

    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) uzrādīt
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) atnesties
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) radīt; izraisīt
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) ražot; izgatavot
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) ražot; dot ražu
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) producēt; uzvest (lugu u.tml.); uzņemt (filmu)
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) produkcija; ražojumi
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > produce

  • 16 produce

    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) ištraukti, pateikti
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) at(si)vesti
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) sukelti
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) gaminti
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) gaminti, duoti
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) parengti, pastatyti
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) produkcija
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > produce

  • 17 produce

    n. produkt; skörd; avkastning, behållning
    v. tillverka, producera; spela in (film); visa, lägga fram; ge avkastning; iscensätta; orsaka
    * * *
    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) ta fram
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) alstra, frambringa, föda
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) framkalla, åstadkomma, leda till
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) producera, tillverka
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) ge, avkasta
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) producera
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) produkter
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity

    English-Swedish dictionary > produce

  • 18 produce

    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) vytáhnout
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) rodit
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) způsobit, vyvolat
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) vyrábět
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) produkovat
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) režírovat, inscenovat
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) produkt
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity
    * * *
    • vytvořit
    • vyrábět
    • vyrobit
    • produkovat

    English-Czech dictionary > produce

  • 19 produce

    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) vytiahnuť
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) rodiť, plodiť
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) spôsobiť, vyvolať
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) vyrábať
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) produkovať
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) režírovať, inscenovať
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) produkt
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity
    * * *
    • vyrábat
    • vytvorit
    • výnos
    • produkcia
    • produkovat
    • inscenovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > produce

  • 20 produce

    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) βγάζω
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) γεννώ
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) προκαλώ
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) παράγω,κατασκευάζω
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) παράγω
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) ανεβάζω,παρουσιάζω,διευθύνω την παραγωγή
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) (γεωργικά)προϊόντα
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity

    English-Greek dictionary > produce

См. также в других словарях:

  • Milk and meat in Jewish law — Halakhic texts relating to this article: Torah: Exodus 23:19 Exodus 34:26 Deuteronomy 14:21 …   Wikipedia

  • Milk — For other uses, see Milk (disambiguation). Foremilk and Hindmilk samples of human breast milk …   Wikipedia

  • Milk (film) — Milk Theatrical release poster Directed by Gus Van Sant Produced by D …   Wikipedia

  • Milk shark — Conservation status …   Wikipedia

  • Milk River Formation — Stratigraphic range: Upper Cretaceous …   Wikipedia

  • Milk quota — A milk quota (or more accurately dairy produce quota) is one of the measures the British government uses to intervene in agriculture. Their purpose is to bring rising milk production under control. Milk quotas are attached to land holdings, and… …   Wikipedia

  • milk — milkless, adj. /milk/, n. 1. an opaque white or bluish white liquid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals, serving for the nourishment of their young. 2. this liquid as secreted by cows, goats, or certain other animals and used by… …   Universalium

  • milk — milk1 [ mılk ] noun uncount *** 1. ) a white liquid that comes from cows, goats, and sheep, which people drink and use in cooking. Cheese and other foods made from milk are called dairy products: a carton of milk a ) a white liquid that women and …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • milk — I UK [mɪlk] / US noun [uncountable] *** 1) a) a white liquid that comes from cows, goats, and sheep, which people drink and use in cooking. Cheese and other foods made from milk are called dairy products a carton of milk b) a white liquid that… …   English dictionary

  • Milk bar — For other uses, see Milk bar (disambiguation). A milk bar in the Victorian suburb of Fitzroy North. Milk bar is a term in some parts of Australia for suburban local shops or general stores. They are known as tuck shops, delicatessens or delis in… …   Wikipedia

  • milk*/*/*/ — [mɪlk] noun [U] I 1) a white liquid that women and female animals produce to feed their babies. People drink the milk of cows, goats, and sheep and use it in cooking a carton/glass of milk[/ex] 2) a white liquid that some plants produce II verb… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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